Running a landscaping company can be very profitable as growth is possible. The important aspect of growing any business is customer retention. Nearly perfect retention of customers allows for cash flow projects and growth to occur quite easily. The ability to expand can be easier in some areas than others. Most people want an affordable landscaping company but don’t realize how much a few extra dollars monthly can get them. The following are some aspects of running a successful landscaping business to focus on.
Targeting Entire HOA Communities
Pitching an HOA board could lead to hundreds of clients. The HOA might work with one landscaping company and require homes to be handled by this company. There is so much work when dealing with an entire community as communal spaces also need upkeep. Another great thing to do is to offer commercial landscaping services to business parks. Getting a few commercial clients can allow for growth in the residential sector.
Creating A Positive Local Reputation
The creation of a positive local reputation is all about managing your online image. Being seen in a good light is as simple as that in today’s age where everyone flocks online to find service providers. Small things like sponsoring a local softball or little league team can matter. Parents on those teams could have multiple properties or manage an entire condo complex. Networking takes many forms and people love businesses that sponsor anything for kids.
Exhausting All Sales Channels
There are so many sales channels that you can focus on. Social media has become a huge way that people find home service providers. Running a social media discount program can be quite profitable like a certain percentage off of the first few services. Finding a sales professional even if they work part-time is going to be important. You might be too busy to follow up with leads especially if generating quite a few.
Finding Reliable Employees
Finding the right employees is going to be very important. Compensating these employees fairly is also important as you want employee retention. You do not want to be thrown off of schedule due to a flurry of people quitting. Most employees will not jump ship unless paid substantially more or if they feel overworked. Giving additional opportunities to earn can also be a great idea. If an employee refers a customer, a bit of commission should be given to them. The right referral could lead to a far larger referral as you never know exactly who you are doing landscaping for.
Even partnering with other home service professionals can be important. A person might ask their pool maintenance person for a recommendation for a landscaper due to being unhappy with their current provider. Other people might get a bit too old to take care of their property. Referrals can be a huge part of your business if you build the right professional network. Turn your landscaping business into a staple of the local community for years to come.