Ethical Leadership in Business
Dr. Jordan Sudberg, a pain management specialist, believes that ethical leadership is something that leaders must live by to create a positive effect for the people working for them. Despite being well educated and having infinite skills and resources, it is not enough to be a great leader if the leader does not take care of their employees as they would. Sudberg has attained much due to his code of ethics, the Golden Rule, and his staunch belief in human rights.
“If you’re leading with integrity, then you don’t need to worry about being perfect,” says Sudberg.
Let’s discuss some of his educational commendations.
Many people are placing more value on money than they ever have in the past. That is not an easy thing to admit. However, it happens more often than you might believe and needs to change. Leaders need to be good role models for their employees and constituents. That does not just mean being a good person. It means that leaders need to display qualities like empathy and altruism in their day-to-day lives to benefit society as a whole.
Leaders need to stick to the plan, and if this means admitting when you have made a mistake, then so be it. The key is to keep learning from your mistakes so that you will stay true to your ethical values the next time.
It is vital for leaders to focus on the greater good and not just their economic gains. We must remain loyal to our values and be honest with the people in our groups.
Dr. Jordan Sudberg‘s advice for CEOs involves embracing new ethics in the business world. He states that if a CEO is focused on only making money, they are not doing all that much for society. There also needs to be some impetus to create a more caring state of mind in people and businesses.
Ethical leaders need to be people who are not afraid to admit when they’ve made a mistake and ask for forgiveness. If you show that you have learned from your mistakes and want to do things better next time, then you will be an ethical leader.
Many leaders don’t practice ethical leadership due to a lack of commitment or time and effort. These leaders can’t consistently do the right thing if they are not willing to work at it. Ethical leaders are the ones who are willing to look deep into themselves and who are willing to be honest about their decisions. Making ethical choices takes a lot of effort. It is impossible to be an ethical leader if you’re unwilling to invest time into your ethical development.
Leaders need to be careful not to make judgments about people’s actions. Leaders should do their best to follow the same ethical standards that they expect from others. They need to be able to have excellent relationships with people.
Ethical leadership can be as simple as setting an example regarding personal ethics. Nothing is wrong with keeping the rules by which your business was created, even if you do not get a higher profit margin.
People will want to follow you if they know that you will be honest, even if it means you don’t make much money. If people see you as honest and fair, they will want to follow your lead.
Leaders should focus on their values and not condemn people for choosing to act in a way different from theirs. If you believe in doing things by the rules and ethical guidelines, then be forgiving of other people’s actions.