Tips for Brainstorming Business Ideas
Businesses worldwide struggle with coming up with new, unique business ideas. One of the most common fears people have about starting a new company is running out of fresh ideas to bring to fruition. Entrepreneurs often put off brainstorming new businesses because they aren’t sure where to begin.
Finding new business ideas isn’t always easy, but it is possible to get the wheels turning. Jonathan Osler, an educator, and speaker have some tips on how to brainstorm business ideas:
1. Take it Slow
Business owners must take their time brainstorming new ideas. Instead of trying to think about new ideas all at once, break up your brainstorming session into parts.
2. Don’t Be Afraid of Failure
If you are trying to think of something new and creative, there’s always a chance it won’t work out in the end. Entrepreneurs often worry that they will work so hard on an idea only to see it fail miserably, but many successful companies have launched because someone took a risk.
3. Don’t Draw the “Blank”
Sometimes, entrepreneurs get stuck when they can’t think of anything new. This is normal, but it doesn’t have to stop an entrepreneur dead in their tracks. Entrepreneurs can take this time to get creative with what they do know about the business world and brainstorm around that instead.
4. Mix It Up
Nothing stifles creativity like sticking to the same routine day in and day out. Wealthy people like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg all stick to specific schedules they can stick with for weeks on end, but they make sure to mix it up every once in a while.
5. Surround Yourself With Different People
Entrepreneurs constantly contact their staff, customers, and potential investors. That can put them in a stagnant mindset where they stop thinking about business creatively. To get the most out of brainstorming, entrepreneurs should make a point to collaborate with people they don’t typically work with. This can help spark new ideas and open up doors for completely different conversation topics.”
“Brainstorming sessions are not as easy as they sound; many people freeze up when asked to come up with new ideas. Osler recommends brainstorming alone or with a small group of two to four others before involving the entire staff.
Osler also explains the difference between “good” and “bad” ideas. “There is no such one thing as a bad idea, only ideas that won’t work for the business. He says if one can’t immediately think of why an idea wouldn’t work, there’s a chance it could.
He also warns against dismissing ideas too quickly.
Osler explains that brainstorming is not meant to produce fully formed ideas but rather to help generate new concepts by thinking creatively. After coming up with many possible business ideas, one can be narrowed down.
Osler also recommends that businesses put their best ideas into action as soon as possible. He says that the longer they wait to act on good ideas, the less likely they are to do so at all. A business will often lose interest in its concept if there is a long period where there is no progress.
Brainstorming is meant to produce business ideas and personal projects such as writing a book or even an essay like this one! Osler continues by explaining that brainstorming is a valuable tool for individuals to use when trying to overcome writer’s block.
In conclusion, Jonathan Osler says that brainstorming for new business ideas is helpful for both individuals and businesses. He adds that the first step to brainstorming is to develop as many ideas as possible. The next step should involve narrowing down those ideas into the most viable options and putting these good ideas into action right away.