Taking Advantage of Vacation Time
As entrepreneurs, taking time off is key to a successful business. But what is the best way to take advantage of the time off? Here, entrepreneur Alexander Djerassi takes a closer look. He finds that employees of businesses should use their time off wisely. Take time off when it is right. Not when doing something else, but when doing something great with it. Use it as an opportunity to learn, and take advantage of the blessing(s) that the business has. Recognize, manage or embrace balance as part of the working day. Don’t work only when in the mood to do so. Find a couple of blocks on days when “in the mood” and take all the rest off. If it’s hard, adhere to a structure where 2-3 hours in the morning = 2-3 hours at dinner time = and 2-3 hours in the evening. It will give more significant results. Find ways to include downtime during the day while learning valuable new skills or furthering knowledge and capabilities. Time’s up! Party, play, learn. There is no replacement for experience, tactics, and skills. Ask for help around completing daily tasks; this will introduce people to what an entrepreneur does all day. Consider designs, e.g., doing something easy to follow/improving something fundamental such as making a calendar in an email format.
Every aspect of the business has to be looked at and acted upon comprehensively. The element of the employees cannot be left unchecked as it shall have a significant effect on the direction, growth, and profitability of the businesses. As entrepreneurs, we all make mistakes because we think everything through. Things are not always delivered, or worse, sometimes we try to hide our mistakes. So please stick to the rules put in place, understand them and follow them. Entrepreneurs make so many rules for themselves, and eventually, they become happy with their choices.
Always decide the essential goals and bring the most in the business. Never push or force anything. For the first year or so, at least a part of the creation should be exclusively designed for internal use—for example, gadgets for employees to keep in line with that particular market segment. Once there’s a buzz, customers will serve themselves to meet the online offer and bid for better rates. This strategy was highly successful reinforced by the following engineers & operations as they have built their careers around this marketing idea with other organizations owning up to the best prices. According to entrepreneur Alexander Djerassi, the most important thing is to have a clear goal aimed to be achieved.
Always ask, “What is it that they want to see in this business?” If the answer is not clear, it can be beneficial to clarify this with someone who knows the industry better. This will help in making important decisions regarding the business. Never forget that other people have a say in the success or failure of the company. Not asking for their opinion may never allow them to give it.