Concentrated dental technician wearing glasses and surgical mask making artificial teeth sitting in her laboratory

The Evolving Space of Spatial Computing

The augmented reality/virtual reality industry (AR/VR) is powered by spatial computing technology. This technology encompasses a range of simulated reality, from augmented to mixed reality (MR) to virtual reality. In short, AR allows the user to view digitized information overlaid on physical elements of the real world. A step above this is mixed reality, wherein it is the same overlay of digital elements, however, these elements can interact with the physical world. The most extreme form of simulated reality is virtual reality, with no physical elements and solely digital elements.

However, with this powerful and innovative technology, where does this leave the customary technology of today. Things like smartphones and smartwatches had the primary advantage of allowing the access of information everywhere. However, with spatial computing devices like AR-glasses, not only can this same advantage be realized, but it is far easier and more accessible to users. Furthermore, the two are not mutually exclusive, and AR-glasses can even be a quintessential addition that works in tandem with smartphones.

Ultimately, the future holds great potential for spatial computing. While the scope and scale is not yet determined, it is certain that this technology is going to have a lasting effect on the advancement of technology.

Spatial Computing: The Future of Work and Play