How to Give the Best Job Interview Possible
When attempting to land a new job, each part of the process is important in its own right. Although it’s necessary to have all the proper skills, knowledge and education required to fill a particular job position, whether or not an applicant is able to secure the job often comes down to his or her performance during a job interview. It is also important to note that what works during one job interview might not work during another, because values and qualifications vary widely from one employer to the next. Despite these differences, there are a few simple tips and strategies potential candidates can use to improve interview performance and boost their chances of landing a job.
Alexander Djerassi acknowledges one of the best ways to get the most out of a job interview is to do prior research. When applying for any job, it’s important for a candidate to be at least a little bit familiar with the industry, the history of the company, what the company does and what the job entails. By expressing their understanding of and knowledge about the company, candidates give interviewers insight into why they would be a good fit for the company. They can also give employers a sense of security, because they may feel someone who is knowledgeable about the company is more likely to be invested in sticking around with them long term.
Another key to performing well during a job interview is to prepare and highlight personal selling points. When several people with similar credentials apply for the same job opening, employers must find other ways to differentiate top-tier candidates from the rest of the group. Candidates can improve their chances of being considered in this top tier by identifying specific characteristics or skills they thank put them ahead of their competition. Along with bringing attention to these strengths, candidates should also be prepared to talk about their weaknesses and how they would limit the interference of these weaknesses while on the job.
As with many other situations in life, the first impression and the last impression are both critical to a great job interview. Alexander Djerassi understands many interviewers have already made up their minds or at least have a good idea of how they feel about a potential candidate within the first few minutes of an interview. For this reason, it’s important to start with strong selling points and confident answers. The last few minutes of the interview are equally as important, because this is where a candidate is able to make their final pitch for why they should be chosen to fill the role. Other general tips for better performance in job interviews include practicing ahead of time, preparing for common interview questions, preparing to ask questions and having résumé copies on hand to give to all interviewers. Regardless of the company, opportunity or industry, completing a quality job interview starts and ends with preparation, confidence, positivity and a willingness to be open and honest when it comes to answering all interview questions.