Expecting Change in Business
Experts in business, such as Jason Rowley, are aware of the first law of life. This is the fact that change, in every conceivable form, is inevitable. This is nowhere truer than in the world of commerce. There is not one aspect of operations that is bound to remain the same for ten years running. Change must be adjusted in order to ensure survival.
Process Your Feelings About Change
The first move that an expert like Rowley would recommend is to go through all of the various feelings that you may have about change. The first stage is usually denial. You may feel that you are in a very comfortable place. You may have spent months or years getting used to the equipment that you use in your daily operations.
Likewise, you may feel that your skills in client handling and customer service are top of the line and need no improvement. However, you need to be aware that things all around you are in a state of constant flux. People may be reaching the end of their engagement with the products or services that you sell. Whether you like it or not, an adjustment may be needed.
Even after you acknowledge the need for change, you may feel frustrated. This may be in part because you were not diligent enough in paying attention to your customers. It may take some time to parse through all of the data that you get in the form of feedback. But if you take the time, you may notice unmistakable signs that you need to make these changes.
The Time to Adjust is Now
Instead of getting angry, the correct move to make is to adjust. The best way to do so will be to perform a complete analysis of your current standing. You will need to take a full accounting of all of your various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
You can start by seeing where all of your strengths lie. You may have an excellent reputation for customer service. The goods you sell may be rated extremely highly. You may also have an excellent system of distribution. These are areas that you can draw strength and sustenance from as you work to make the necessary changes.
You also need to analyze all of your various weaknesses. These are bound to be largely internal issues. You may not have the best system of responding to calls from your clients. Your development team may be at odds with each other as to what direction to pursue. All of these internal issues need to be resolved before you move forward.
The threats that you face will largely be external. The time is now to pay attention to what your rivals in the industry are up to. Scour the web to note the ways in which customers see them as superior to you. Pay attention to the new round of tech that competitors may be making use of. Jason Rowley believes that this will be the key to your own successful adaptation.