Discovering Your Leadership Style
What makes a good leader? What are the different styles of leadership? How does one discover their leadership style? According to pain management specialist Dr. Jordan Sudberg, most people don’t. Many people go through life without ever discovering their leadership style. This can be a huge mistake, especially for those in a position of authority. This blog post will discuss how people can discover their leadership styles.
1. Personality test.
There are many different personality tests, but the most popular one is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This test will help one understand their strengths and weaknesses. It will also give an idea of how one prefers to work and communicate with others.
When one learns their MBTI type, research what leadership styles are associated with it. For example, those with an ISTJ personality type are typically considered “logical” leaders. They are often good at making decisions quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, those with an ENFP personality type are typically considered to be “inspirational” leaders. They often have a lot of energy and are very good at motivating others.
2. The reaction toward different situations.
How does one react when they are put in a leadership position? Do they take charge and make decisions quickly, or do they take a more passive role and let others make the decisions? This can be a good indicator of what type of leader one is.
For example, if someone is in charge of a project, do they immediately start giving orders and telling people what to do? Or do they take a step back and listen to other people’s ideas first? Someone taking charge is typically considered an “authoritative” leader. On the other hand, someone who takes a more passive role is typically considered to be a “democratic” leader.
3. Leadership role models.
Who are some of the people that one admires? Do they look up to someone who is a great speaker and motivator, or do they look up to someone calm and level-headed? This can indicate what type of leader one wants to be.
For example, if someone admires Oprah Winfrey, they may want to be an “inspirational” leader like her. On the other hand, if someone admires Bill Gates, they may want to be a “logical” leader like him.
4. Taking the time to reflect.
It is essential to take the time to reflect on one’s leadership style. What works and what doesn’t work? What are some of the things that one would like to change? This self-reflection will help one fine-tune their leadership style and make it more effective.
These are just some ways people can discover their leadership style. It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong leadership style. According to Dr. Jordan Sudberg, the most crucial thing is to find a style that works for one and that they are comfortable with. Experiment with different styles and see what works best for the situation at hand. Ultimately, the goal is to be an effective leader. And that can only be done by finding a leadership style that suits one’s needs.