Digital work comes with a lot of benefits. Workers save on time, money, and well-being. However, remote work is also fractured. Employees use an average of 9 apps per day to do their work. Frequent task switching adds up to a 40% loss in productivity. In addition, 5 in 6 employees say they spend a third of their work week in video meetings, wasting their time during and before the video conference. Let’s examine how digital workspaces can help below.
It’s more than a productivity problem. Almost half of remote employees say that being on camera makes them feel exhausted. Digital interactions with others can be more stressful than in-person encounters. People appear larger, individuals can’t move as much, and nonverbal communication is weakened. Even though 4 in 5 remote employees want to keep working from home, 48% still miss seeing their colleagues.
How can companies build digital workspaces for their remote workers? As the web expands, recreating the best parts of the office environment is becoming more possible than ever. Having a single place to create, manage, and host limits the amount of task switching workers have to do, and simulated rooms can bring back some degree of colleague connection. Working from anywhere still requires community.