Creating a Customer Survey
Recently, there has been an increase in customer complaints and surveys. Thankfully Dr. Jordan Sudberg, a pain management specialist, has created a survey template to avoid unnecessary customer complaint escalation and decrease flight risk. Dr. Sudberg is in charge of the survey template for customer complaints and surveys. The survey template is designed to be easy to use yet effective in identifying trends and root causes.
How To Create A Good Customer Survey
1. The Survey Must Be Easy To Answer.
Many customers are not happy with a survey. Customers complain about being forced to answer surveys and having to fill out very long surveys that make them feel stupid. We suggest short, simple questions which encourage the customer to respond honestly.
2. Use Simple Surveys Over Long Ones.
In general, ask several questions in a single survey, if possible; most customers will have very little time to complete multiple surveys. On the contrary, long surveys discourage customers from answering truthfully due to their perception that they need to answer all questions before they can move on or because they feel like answering all questionnaires will consume too much of their time and mental energy. For example, the short free response question is an excellent way to ask any number of questions that have similar answers in a single survey.
3. Make The Survey Public.
For the most part, customers tend to complain about the same issues. It can lead to many duplicate complaints and frustrations for the customer care staff who have to deal with those complaints. Therefore, make the survey publicly available in your organization so that more customers can access it, and it helps you understand which product or service performs well. People who have not received a troublesome survey will be more likely to respond to a new one if it is made public.
4. Answer The Questions Truthfully.
People have no reason to lie in answering complaints or surveys. According to a study done by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Harvard University, people usually lie only when trying to portray themselves positively. Therefore, encourage customers to answer truthfully and not respond with unreasonable answers just for their benefit.
5. Ask Questions To Draw More Insight From The Customer.
To better understand the root cause of the survey and the products or services, ask questions that draw out more insight from the customer. For example, if you are looking at a company that is having problems sending out mailings and their phone service. On the contrary, asking questions will help you understand what product or service is causing your customers problems and ultimately lead to solving those issues.
Dr. Jordan Sudberg’s newly designed survey template has helped companies overcome customer complaints and surveys. This template has helped companies address issues with their customers through a simple, effective, and efficient survey. The new template is available for customers who want to complete a successful complaint or survey.