Cows are large animals, and yet, most people prefer to eat meat from a small part of this large animal. A Hereford, for instance, can weigh as much as 1874 pounds. That is a lot of beef. Nevertheless, we tend to order sirloin steaks, hindquarter rib roasts, rumps and fillets, relegating the rest of the cow to use as mince or stewing meat. This is far from the snout to trout philosophy that is a part of a sustainable solution and which humanity has enjoyed for much of its history. This is, in fact, why steak is so expensive: if a 1874 pound cow is prized for a few T-bones, then those T-bones aren’t going to be cheap. Yet, a cow is not simply a large animal, it is an animal full of delicious cuts that you can and should enjoy. Here are 5 underrated cuts that you can enjoy, while saving on your budget.
Denver’s Cut
Denver cuts are also known as chuck under blade center steak; chuck under blade steak; cap of the chuck, or bottom chuck. The names hint at where Denver’s cut comes from: the chuck. This is a muscle that is before the shoulder blade. The typical Denver’s cut is usually about 3.3 pounds, which gives you enough to cut your preferred steak size, for example, 0.56 pounds.
Source: Beef is What’s for Dinner
Denver cuts are known for their tenderness and the high degree of marbling and beef flavor. It is best cooked over a high heat on a grill. You can cook a Denver’s cut instead of a rump steak. It is fantastic when served with a shaved courgette salad flavored with tarragon and lemon dressing.
Onglets are also known as hanger steaks, skirts or butcher’s steak. Onglets are found between the diaphragm and the stomach lining. They are then, really part of the offals.
Source: The Dorset Meat Company
Many people will tell you that onglets are the tastiest, and most flavorful of steaks. You can find it in all the best steak restaurants. Given its position in the cow, it is as rich as offals, without being as bitter and dry as kidneys. Unlike other cuts, it is properly used when fresh. You can use it in place of any other cut.
Teres Major
The teres major is also known as the petite tender, or shoulder tender, or mock tender. It is just below the shoulder blade. There is a Teres major on each side, with each weighing about 0.66 pounds. You may have to speak to your butcher before you see them, so they can prepare it for you.
Source: Complete Carnivore
The Teres major is a very delicious cut, because it is so close to various muscles and bones. It is quite thin, really rich, and, when you cook it properly, also rather tender. It has similar characteristics to the tenderloin, so you can use it in place of a filet. Cooked similar to the Denver’s cut, it is well paired with watercress with olive oil and grated horseradish.
Leg of Mutton
Leg of mutton is also known as the housekeeper’s cut. The leg of mutton is cut from the rear leg of a sheep or goat. Unlike a leg of lamb, the leg of mutton usually comes from an older animal, 2 years old or more. The meat is very lean and often well marbled, although, because the animal is older, the meat can be a little tough. The taste is more flavorful than leg of mutton. It can be roasted, or cut up into steaks; or even shredded. You can eat it instead of topside.
Source: Farmison
Chuck’s Eye
Finally, the chuck’s eye, which is also known as the mock tender or Scotch tender, is another underrated cut.
Source: Beef is What’s for Dinner
It comes from the chuck, but is very near the rib-eye. It is typically used for mince and for burger or braising meat. It is tender, and richly flavorful. It provides similar marbling, moreishness and texture to the rib-eye, although it is much cheaper. You can, then use it instead of the rib-eye.