A probiotic works to solve digestive issues, but it does so in a way that not many digestive solutions do. Instead of simply improving the immune system for a short duration, or feeding positive bacteria to the digestive system, probiotics work to colonize the digestive tract as a whole.
This means that the growth of negative bacteria will be slowed while simultaneously promoting the growth of positive bacteria. This is a far more comprehensive and long term solution to the digestive issues that many people across the globe see today. In the past month as many as 44% of people globally have gone to work with digestive issues.
That’s not to say that this is a surprising trend, a majority of the food today is highly processed, high in sugar, and will reduce digestive health. There are many solutions to this, things like eating better, working out, getting more sun, these can all be lifestyle changes to promote digestive health, but probiotics are a strong supplement for the same problem.
When looking at who can and cannot take probiotics as a supplement, they’re generally pretty accessible. Only those who are immunocompromised may want to seriously reconsider taking them. Although for those who are experiencing a lot of bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, or even fluctuating weight, probiotics are a really strong option.
Source: Nouri