Although the term ‘going green’ may have rubbed some people the wrong way a few years ago, today there’s nothing but positives for companies to want to seek ways to be more sustainable. This advice comes courtesy of San Diego business owner Jason Hughes, considered an expert in the benefits of sustainability in the workforce.
Every business can find ways to be ‘greener,’ which can include everything from reducing lights and temperature at night to upgrading to longer-lasting light bulbs. Companies can do away with disposable items like paper plates and plastic cups, and instead have company mugs as Jason Hughes points out. Then you can get even more creative: solar cells on the roof, sensors in rooms that dim lights when people leave, and avoiding hazardous materials when cleaning or making renovations. Companies can move away from paper as much as possible, and encourage email copies.
Entrepreneur Jason Hughes from San Diego says companies that actively look for ways to seek sustainability will start saving money. This is a definite appeal to budget-focused companies that may or may have a dated view of ‘green living’ as being something progressive or subversive. Making sustainability part of a company culture can get everyone excited about researching new ways to save energy and achieve company goals. They can compare notes with others as far as better practices and methods.
For instance, some companies collect rainwater and repurpose it for rainwater creating a positive impact. Others, like Hughes Marino at San Diego, are able to repurpose construction material in their design, such as brick or wood. In some cases, employees who are empowered to seek better solutions at work are likely to bring these principles home, even further reducing overall energy use and helping the planet. This could include taking public transportation, teleworking, or upgrading appliances.Jason Hughes is seeing more companies trying to improve their efforts, including being net-zero in terms of the same amount of energy used and energy created. Lowering carbon emissions also benefits everyone. He sees workplaces of the future being based on smart building concepts. A company that takes these values and makes green living part of its culture could have extra appeal to job seekers.