How to Have a Successful Job Interview
Jonathan Osler San Francisco is a highly respected educator with years of experience as a faculty member of UC Berkeley. And one thing Osler has learned in his more than 20 years of teaching is that there is a disconnect, both with students and parents as to the value of education when it comes to getting a job.
For example, many in fields such as art history or anthropology struggle to obtain or have successful job interviews when they are out of school.
However, Mr. Osler, who if he had his way, would make a class in job-hunting an obligatory course in obtaining a degree, feels that anyone can have more success at job interviews if they learn the basics.
Here are a few tips he suggests that everyone learn:
- Learn about the company and its interests in advance
This is essential as there will probably be at least 5 to 20 candidates that stand out
in an interview for the job.However, by demonstrating that you have researched the company, you show interviewers and recruiters that you really want the job.
- Don’t come across as being arrogant
Companies value cooperative employees above everything else. People will bring talents to the company, but valued far more are those with a cooperative attitude.
Instead of concentrating on your questions to the interviewer on benefits and salary, Jonathan Osler San Francisco, thinks you should ask questions more centered on what training is provided, and ask questions such as: “what do you value most in an employee?”
You may be a talented individual, but trust us, there are much smarter employees than you in the company.
Demonstrate that you are above all a team player.
- Ask questions that indicate you are looking to stay at a company for a long time.
This is a difficult skill to master, but inevitably, one of the questions you will be asked is “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
It costs a lot to train and keep a good employee, so put yourself in their shoes and provide them an answer that indicates you will likely be with them in 5 years’ time.
- Build a connection with the interviewer.
One way to do this is first to be sure you know the interviewers’ name, and then ask how was their personal journey to working for the company and why they love working for the company.
- Be prepared to be specific about your talents.
One thing that many people gloss over is being very specific about how their talents are valuable.
Don’t just say that you are a good writer for example. Be prepared to state how you created an entire writing campaign for your previous company or if you are fresh out of college, then what you helped create for your college sports team or the science club.
Companies want to know what you have done of value, not what you think you can do.
- Follow the basics:
Be slightly early, never late.
Research what people wear in interviews. Call ahead and speak to a secretary.
Try to stay calm in the interview, and project confidence.
- Finally, follow up the interview with a short, personal note. This last touch really puts you ahead of the game, and the majority of interviewees fail to acknowledge with a thank you note your appreciation for the interviews.