Every motorist has the potential to be involved in an automobile accident. For example, a 16-year-old driver is likely to be involved in three to four accidents throughout his or her lifetime. Road collisions are still the biggest cause of death in the United States for those aged 1-54. Car accidents claim the lives of 100,000 people each year, and 4.4 million are seriously injured. When you consider this, as well as the financial repercussions of accidents, you’ll agree that every motorist should hire an accident lawyer.
Here are five ways that a car accident attorney can assist you:
1. An injury lawyer can assist you in obtaining just compensation.
Suppose an Indianapolis drunk driver collides with your vehicle and damages it. An injury lawyer can help you recoup those costs if the accident leaves you handicapped or you require medical attention.
2. An injury lawyer can work with your insurance company to reach an agreement.
Negotiating a reasonable settlement with an insurance company can be a daunting undertaking. This is especially true if you have been emotionally or physically injured in an accident. A vehicle accident lawyer can intervene and negotiate with the other driver’s insurance company to ensure that you are fairly reimbursed.
3. You can submit your court lawsuit with the help of a vehicle accident lawyer.
An injury attorney will be available for you if you need to take another driver to court. A lawyer can assist you in obtaining the evidence you need to present in court. Your lawyer will construct your case for you using police records, medical data, and bills. A vehicle accident lawyer also takes depositions and requests records. Additionally, they will be providing legal guidance on what you should do or say.
4. An injury lawyer will gather and present evidence.
You won’t have to worry about presenting evidence to the Indianapolis court if you have a good injury lawyer on your side. It will be done for you by the lawyer. If the motorist you’re suing has a lawyer, your lawyer and the other lawyer will go to court together. Furthermore, your lawyer will also collect any witness testimony if there is any.
5. Instead of a trial, an injury attorney can help you choose other options.
Rather than going to trial, almost 90% of vehicle accident injuries are handled through settlements. Your automobile accident lawyer will assist you throughout the talks to ensure that you receive fair compensation. This is how it usually goes: your injury lawyer will request an initial settlement from a responsible party. They will then meet with your lawyer to try to reach an agreement.
Typically, the liable party’s lawyer will try to reduce the amount owed – and you should expect them to back up their arguments with evidence. Therefore, if you have an experienced lawyer on your side, like an Indianapolis Injury Lawyer, he will dismiss all of those claims and ensure that you come out on top.