Gen Z recruitment

Workplace Transformation for Better Gen Z Recruitment

As Gen Z begins to constitute more of the overall workforce, organizations need to modify their recruitment strategies in order to engage and maintain their Gen Z workers. Hiring managers have expressed difficulty in connecting with Gen Z and helping them fit into the companies’ existing workforce. The top reasons include young workers being pushed to the side during the Great Reshuffle, tension between Gen Z and companies even before starting the job, and differing views on career expectations. 

Due to high turnover rates among younger workers, a lot of resources and time are being wasted. Therefore it’s important for companies to understand the shifting needs of the younger workforce and act accordingly. This can mean conveying all expectations pertaining to the job clearly while being transparent with the information being shared with Gen Z employees, especially when it comes to salary, responsibilities, and self-development opportunities. 

Gen Z has also expressed a desire for more respect in the workplace that leads to positive mental health for a generation that needs it most. Younger workers are putting more emphasis on creating multiple types of workplace connections as well due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. Companies that focus more on clear, intentional communication before and after hiring will attract the attention of Gen Z who want clear and concise correspondence. 

Look into Gen Z recruitment with solutions such as Abode HR – the recruitment and retention of younger workers will require hiring strategies that show they are up to speed with shifting expectations of Gen Z. 

What You Need To Recruit And Retain Gen Z
Source: Abode HR